Ranked #3 by GamePro Media and the Princeton Review for video game design.
About Us
Drexel Game Design and the RePlay Lab are collaborative efforts between the Digital Media program (in the Westphal College of Media Arts & Design) and the Computer Science department (in the College of Computing and Informatics). At Drexel University, game development does not "live" in solely one department, and so mirrors the true nature of game development in commercial settings. Digital game development is offered in a coordinated, cross-listed series of courses in both the Computer Science (CS) and Digital Media (DIGM) majors, and production courses are open to other majors as well.
Drexel students have won numerous awards including 1st Place @ Game Developer Conference's Intel Student Showcase, 1st Place in the Microsoft Imagine Cup (World Champion), the Unity Awards, the GDC's Narrative Review Competition, and the Adobe Achievment Awards (World Champion). See About page for more info.

Drexel Team Wins 1st Place at Game Developers Conference GDC 2016!
March 2016
Drexel Game at Game Developers Conference 2015
March 2015
Drexel's Guiness World Record
September 2014
Drexel Game at Game Developers Conference 2014
March 2014
Drexel Game Design Undergraduate Program Ranked #4 Nationally

Drexel Game Design Graduate Program in Top 10 for Fouth Time

In it's 5th appearance in the top 10, Drexel University's Digital Media MS degree is #4 on a list saluting the best graduate institutions in the U.S. and Canada to study game design, according to The Princeton Review, one of America's most widely known education services and test preparation companies. Drexel University is again in the Top 10 for the 4th time on a list saluting the 50 best graduate institutions in the U.S. and Canada to study game design, according to The Princeton Review, one of America's most widely known education services and test preparation companies. The Princeton Review developed its list in partnership with GamePro, one of the most respected brands in the video game industry, reaching over 3 million gamers a month.
The list is reported in PC Gamer's's May 2014 issue and on the websites of The Princeton Review (www.princetonreview.com) and PC Gamer (www.pcgamer.com).
Drexel's Guiness World Record
November 2013
SmartVCS: Shooting Avatar on Your iPad?
Girish Balakrishnan, Drexel DIGM BS/MS 2013
Congratulations to recent Digital Media graduate Girish Balakrishnan for winning the Unity Awards at the Unite Conference. Unite 2013 is the annual event for Unity developers, publishers and enthusiasts to learn more about the market-leading platform for creating high quality video games, training simulations, medical and architectural visualizations and other interactive 3D content. Girish's thesis project won the Best Student Project category.
Drexel SIGGRAPH Presentation: SmartVCS
July 23rd 10:45 AM - 12:15 PMAnaheim Convention Center Hall B
SmartVCS: Shooting Avatar on Your iPad?
With accessible hardware such as multi-touch tablets and the latest video game motion controllers, there is an opportunity to develop a new intelligent, freespace capture device and platform using nothing more than consumer technologies to augment and evolve the functionality of the virtual camera system. Girish Balakrishnan (DIGM MS 13) will be presenting along with his advisor, Dr. Paul Diefenbach, his thesis work on a new pipeline for production. See our Research page for more information.
Hiring Assistant Professor (tenure track) in Digital Media
Posted Oct 25, 2013
Drexel Game Design Faculty Position
Drexel University seeks applications for a full time tenure-track faculty position available in its nationally ranked Drexel Game Design Program. The successful candidate should hold a Ph.D. or terminal degree in a related field with a demonstrated body of accomplishments in game design, game art, game production, and/or game research. Industry experience in game development and production is a plus. We are seeking candidates with backgrounds in either Digital Media or Computer Science, who have in-depth knowledge and skills in game related areas including, but not limited to, game design, game art and animation, game studies, mobile games and/or game production. Responsibilities include teaching and advising students at the undergraduate and graduate levels, productivity in research, scholarship, or creative work, and service at the college and university levels.
The start date for the anticipated position is September 1, 2014. Review of applications will begin December 1, 2013 and continue until the position is filled. All applications must be submitted though DrexelJobs.com (position number 5681.)
Dr. Noah Wardrip-Fruin talk "Growing the Tech Tree: Researching the Future of Games"
May 14, 5-6:20PM URBN 239Dr. Noah Wardrip-Fruin is visiting the GMAP program on May 14-15, 2013. As part of his visit, he will give an invited talk titled "Growing the Tech Tree: Researching the Future of Games" on May 14, 5-6:20PM, at URBN 239.
Noah Wardrip-Fruin is Associate Professor of Computer Science at the University of California Santa Cruz, where he co-directs the Expressive Intelligence Studio, one of the world's largest technical research groups focused on games. His research areas include new models of storytelling in games, how games express ideas through play, and how games can help broaden understanding of the power of computation. Wardrip-Fruin also directs UCSC's Digital Arts and New Media MFA program and the Playable Media group within it.
Drexel Game Design Graduate Program Ranked #3 Nationally

Drexel Game Design Undergraduate Program in Top 10 for Third Time

In it's 3rd appearance in the top 10, Drexel University's Digital Media MS degree is #3 on a list saluting the best graduate institutions in the U.S. and Canada to study game design, according to The Princeton Review, one of America's most widely known education services and test preparation companies. Drexel University is again in the Top 10 for the 3rd time at #6 on a list saluting the 50 best undergraduate institutions in the U.S. and Canada to study game design, according to The Princeton Review, one of America's most widely known education services and test preparation companies. The Princeton Review developed its list in partnership with GamePro, one of the most respected brands in the video game industry, reaching over 3 million gamers a month.
The list is reported in PC Gamer's's May 2013 issue and on the websites of The Princeton Review (www.princetonreview.com) and PC Gamer (www.pcgamer.com).
Faculty Hiring: Assistant Professor (tenure track) in Digital Media
Drexel University seeks applications for a full time tenure-track faculty position available in its Drexel Game Design Program, a collaborative effort between the Digital Media Program in the Antoinette Westphal College of Media Arts & Design and the Computer Science Department in the College of Computing and Informatics. The start date for the anticipated position is September 1, 2013. Drexel University is a comprehensive research university ranked among the top 100 in the nation. The Digital Media Program has been ranked in the top 10 programs to study video game design by Gamepro Media and the Princeton Review. See job posting at: http://drexel.edu/westphal/about/employment/AssistantProfessor_DIGM/ Note: While the posting states a Ph.D as a requirement, non-Ph.D candidates with significant industry experience would also be considered.
Drexel Game Design's Glenn Winters, Digital Media graduate student, just won the top prize for the 6th Narrative Review Competition at GDC 2013

Digital Media graduate student Glenn Winters received notification that his analysis of the narrative structure of the game Journey was one of three top platinum winners at the Game Developers Conference in San Francisco, CA through March 25 2013 - March 29 2013. Winning out of thousands of applicants, Glenn will be presenting as part of the Conference Narrative Review. This is a competition in which participating students conduct a high-level structure analysis of the narrative elements of a game title of their choice. Glenn's study analyzing the game Journey is a key component of his MS thesis research which focuses on defining goal directed attention structure composition patterns as a subset of visual narrative arcs within 3D adventure games. As a result of this honor, he will be presenting his paper in poster form on the Conference Expo floor, which is open to all 22,000 attendees. After the conference, his work can be referenced as part of the permanent archives of GDC at http://www.gdcvault.com/gamenarrativereview.
Drexel Game Design wins Microsoft Imagine Cup World Championship!

A team of Drexel undergraduate students earned world acclaim for designing smartphone apps as part of Microsoft's Imagine Cup Competition. "Team Drexel Dragons" won the U.S. Championship for their design of a math learning program. Drexel sent two teams to the national final and now "Team Drexel Dragons" is has won the World Championship in Sydney, Australia in July.
"Our game, 'MathDash,' that won in the Mobile Games category, is a game that teaches kids from first – eighth grade arithmetic," said Dr. Frank Lee, co-director of the Drexel Game Design Program and the advisor of "The Drexel Dragons" team. "Our goal was to not only make a game that was educational, but was a whole lot of fun to play. I believe we succeeded."
The Imagine Cup is considered to be one of the most challenging technology competitions in the computer science community with over 250,000 students from 190 countries. Teams from across the nation compete in three categories: software design, game design and IT challenge. A second qualifying round was held in April and, from the combined pool of finalists, champions were selected in each of the categories to represent the United States in the World Cup Competition.
Drexel Game Design expands into new $70M URBN Center!
See our new Facilities page for more information!
Drexel Game Design's Digital Media welcomes new Program Director
Drexel Game Design weclomes Digital Media's new Program Director: Dr. Miachel Wagner.
Dr. Michael Wagner is Associate Professor and the Director of the Digital Media Program at the Antoinette Westphal College of Media Arts & Design. Prior to his position at Drexel he held academic teaching, research and executive management positions at the Department of Computer Science at Arizona State University, the Department of Educational Technology and Interactive Media at Danube University Krems, Austria, and the Christian University College of Teacher Education Vienna/Krems, Austria.
His research interests focus on the educational use of digital media and computer games. He is the scientific director of "Ludwig", a curriculum based physics learning game for middle schools that has been awarded with the German Game Developer Award for Best Serious Game 2011.
Degrees: MS in Mathematics Education, Vienna University of Technology PhD in Applied Mathematics, Vienna University of Technology MBA in High Tech Management, Arizona State University
Website: http://www.about.me/michaelgwagner
Drexel Game Design welcomes two new faculty
Drexel Game Design and the Drexel RePlay Lab welcome two new faculty: Dr. Santiago Ontanon Villar and Dr. Jichen Zhu.
Dr. Santiago Ontanon Villar was a Juan de la Cierva Postdoctoral Researcher at the Artificial Intelligence Research Institute in Barcelona, Spain prior to coming to Drexel. He received his Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Barcelona, and also worked as a postdoctoral fellow at the Georgia Institute of Technology. His research spans the broad areas of artificial intelligence (particularly case-based reasoning), machine learning, and gaming, with titles including Case-Based Reasoning and User-Generated AI for Real-Time Strategy Games, Drama Management and Player Modeling for Interactive Fiction Games, and Adaptive Computer Games: Easing the Authorial Burden.
Dr. Jichen Zhu was an assistant professor of Digital Media in School of Visual Arts and Design, at University of Central Florida prior to joining Drexel. She was also the director of the Procedural Expression Lab. Her work focuses on developing humanistic and interpretive theoretical framework of computational technology, particularly artificial intelligence (AI), and constructing AI-based cultural artifacts. Her current research areas include digital humanities, software studies, computational narrative, and serious games. Jichen Zhu received a Ph.D. in Digital Media from Georgia Tech, under the advisement of Dr. D. Fox Harrell. She also holds a MS in Computer Science from Georgia Tech, and a Master of Entertainment Technology from Carnegie Mellon University. Her work on analogy-based story generation (ASG) was presented in IJCAI 2011 this summer, and she is an invited speaker at the Symposium on Narrative Intelligence: AI Approaches for Games and Fiction at the Expressive Intelligence Studio, UC Santa Cruz.
Drexel Game Design Graduate Program Ranked #5 Nationally
Drexel Game Design Undergraduate Program in Top 10 for Second Straight Year
In its first graduate ranking ever, Drexel University's Digital Media MS degree is #5 on a list saluting the best graduate institutions in the U.S. and Canada to study game design, according to The Princeton Review, one of America's most widely known education services and test preparation companies. Drexel University is remains in the Top 10 for the second stragith year at #7 on a list saluting the 50 best undergraduate institutions in the U.S. and Canada to study game design, according to The Princeton Review, one of America's most widely known education services and test preparation companies. The Princeton Review developed its list in partnership with GamePro, one of the most respected brands in the video game industry, reaching over 3 million gamers a month.
The list is reported in GamePro's April 2011 issue and on the websites of The Princeton Review (www.princetonreview.com) and GamePro (www.gamepro.com).
Drexel students wins Philly GameJam 2011
05.010.2011Philly GameJam 2011 Drexel University's gaming teams won the two major awards at the 3rd annual Philly Game Jam. Duck It! by Space Whale Studios won the "WTF? Award" and Winston’s Eggventure by Team UC15 was winner of the Judges’ Choice Award at the 3rd Annual Philly Game Jam,May 6-8. Held in conjunction with the Too Many Games Expo, the Game Jam included teams from nearby universities and professional game developers. Their goal was to create a video game within 48 hours based on an abstract theme. The two award categories were "Most Innovative Game" and "Game Closest to the Concept." The Space Whale Studios team, while not officially from Drexel, consisted of mostly current and former Drexel students.
Drexel Game Design featured on the CBS Evening News
Drexel Game Design and the Drexel RePlay Lab was featured in the story Game Designers' Bright Future On the 30th anniversary of Pac-Man, the video game industry offers lucrative careers in a big money business. Jeff Glor reports.
Drexel student game featurd on Kotaku
Kotaku, one of Gawker Media's "Gawker" network of sites, and named to CNET News' Blog 100, wrote a story on Digital Media student Dan Fornace's Super Smash Land, an 8-bit de-creation reimagined onto a d-pad and two buttons. The article is titled "Super Smash Bros. 'De-made' For Game Boy Looks Crazy Enough To Work."
Drexel Game Design Ranked #3 Nationally
Drexel University is #3 on a list saluting the 50 best undergraduate institutions in the U.S. and Canada to study game design, according to The Princeton Review, one of America's most widely known education services and test preparation companies. The Princeton Review developed its "Top 50 Undergraduate Game Design Programs" list - the first project of its kind - in partnership with GamePro, one of the most respected brands in the video game industry, reaching over 3 million gamers a month.
The list is reported in GamePro's April 2010 issue and on the websites of The Princeton Review (www.princetonreview.com) and GamePro (www.gamepro.com).
The Fourmation Wins Adobe Achievement Award
10.26.2009Congratulations to our Digital Media senior group, The Fourmation and their head-tracking multiplayer video game, Fourmation, for winning the 9th annual Adobe Design Achievement Awards in the Non-Browser-based Design category. This was presented at the Icongrada World Design Congress in Bejiing China. The Fourmation team were competing against 3300 student entries from 37 different countries. Fourmation is a 3D action-packed multiplayer Flash game that uses Wii technology to bring virtual reality to the home computer.
Drexel students wins Philly GameJam 2009
10.25.2009Philly GameJam 2009 Drexel University's gaming team, Team Reverie, took First Place with "Most Innovative Game" at the 2nd Annual Philly Game Jam, Oct. 23-25, 2009. Held in conjunction with the GameX Industry Summit, the Game Jam included teams from nearby universities and professional game developers. Their goal was to create a video game within 48 hours based on an abstract theme. The two award categories were "Most Innovative Game" and "Game Closest to the Concept." While Team Reverie won first place in "Most Innovative Game" with their game, Insight, a team from Space Whale Studios took second place in both categories with their game, The Shovel Nose Screamer. The Space Whale Studios team, while not officially from Drexel, consisted of mostly current and former Drexel students.
Drexel student wins SIGGRAPH 2009 Game Jam
8.2009Congratulations to Dan Bodenstein who took part in the GameJam! at SIGGRAPH last week in New Orleans, and his team won for 2D - Crowd Favorite